
cotton plantation 〔美國〕(盛栽棉花的)阿拉巴馬州的別號。

cotton print

The negroes generally cultivate the cotton farms , and thelarge cotton plantations of the state , while the small farms are cultivated by whitelabour 本州中部是低丘陵區,形成一條南北向分水嶺。本州東部是河谷平原。

Phelps was one of these little one - horse cotton plantations , and they all look alike 離這里稍遠,靠后邊的柵欄,有一間小小的木屋。

Tom ' s health broke down from overwork on the cotton plantation 湯姆的身體因在棉花種植園里勞累過度而垮了下來。